My International Internship Abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina
In this photoset, I talk about my international internship that I completed while abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The main reason I decided to go abroad with CEA CAPA is because of their international internship program. I graduated in May ‘23, and I wanted to go abroad while I was in my undergrad, but due to the pandemic, I didn’t have the opportunity to do so while I was completing my degree. Before my final semester of university started, I knew I was still interested in going abroad in some capacity, but I also knew I wasn’t interested in taking an extra semester to complete my degree. This is why I started researching ways I could go abroad to do some sort of career-building program. Luckily, I found CEA CAPA’s international internship program, then I applied, and got accepted.
The organization I was placed with in Buenos Aires is an NGO called Animarte which works with people with disabilities.
A photo I took in Animarte’s office, showing some of the sweet and inspiring signs they have hung up, including “el mundo necesita gente que ame lo que hace” (“the world needs people who love what they do”).
Another photo I took in Animarte’s office, showing some of the cute decorations they have, and some of the encouraging sayings they have up on the walls, including the stickers that say “EMPUJANDO LIMITES” (“pushing limits”).
I plan on continuing my studies to receive my MSW (Master of Social Work) degree, and applied for Fall ‘24. CEA CAPA made my internship placement based on my interests and the opportunities available in Buenos Aires, and the internship was in a field I was interested in pursuing.
Me before heading off to work one day! The dress code at my internship was professional but casual.
Me, Lore, and Mery (left to right). Lore and Mery are also interns at Animarte, and they are from Spain. Here, we were on our way to the Pride Parade in Buenos Aires.
Animarte provides a variety of different services for their community. Some of these services include Animarte a ser protagonista, which are individual sessions with licensed psychologists; Animarte Musical, which is an annual musical the organization puts on; and Animarte al Aire, which is a podcast where participants get to conduct interviews. I was privileged to assist with these different workshops.
Me and two of my coworkers from Animarte. We were at an event where Juani (middle) and her sister sang and played guitar at a restaurant. My coworkers and I went to support them!

Another photo of me and my coworkers at the same event, where we went to support Juani and her sister, Oli (far right).
Some of the tasks I worked on included day-to-day tasks like cleaning up after the different workshops and a variety of administrative tasks, including helping to assemble a complete database with the personal information of every participant involved in the organization (with information like interests, weekly schedule, and support network).
Me with Agus’s new kitten, Whiskey, on a day when Lore, Mery, and I went to Agus’s apartment after an Animarte workshop. It was great to bond as a team over a common interest: kittens!
Me, Lore, Mery, and Agus. We took this photo at the final rehearsal for Animarte Musical (called "Tejiendo Historias") as a way to commemorate the day!
Interning with Animarte was an amazing experience. I feel very fortunate to have had this opportunity to intern and study abroad because of CEA CAPA’s help in placing me with this internship. Completing this internship abroad taught me so much about myself, how to be flexible and how to adapt to unknown environments, and it also helped me get a better understanding of what I want to do in the future. I also had the opportunity to meet so many new people and make new friends in Buenos Aires.
Me, Lore, and Agus on the day of the performance of "Tejiendo Historias," backstage before the show started.
The stage on the day of the performance of "Tejiendo Historias." The sets and the lights are set up for the performance, and the participants are all dressed up and ready to go!